Health Tech Hackathon in a nutshell

Een hackathon is always a special experience. In a short time you dive into a casus and you come up with a working prototype.

To do this properly, you work with clear process steps. You learn to recognize the different phases. For each phase, you have assignments and you and your team deliver intermediates. The two-days program can be found here.

This will ultimately result in your solution that you will present in the final. You can register here (closed).

Special points

  1. Real-life case study
    You will work on a case study of an SME company or organization.
  2. Structure
    You will discover the 4 phases of building a digital prototype.
  3. Competiton
    Your prototype will be challenged in a competition.

Your challenges

  • Cooperate
    Find your role in a multidisciplinary team
  • Using feedback
    A coach guides your team. Use his feedback with each other.
  • Believe in the challenge
    Find the best solution and present it with flair. Learn from the challenge against other teams.


In images, you can summarize the Health Tech Hackathon as follows:



